TMNT got me through a lot of difficult times and I've had the original tmnt movies on dvd for as long as I can remember. I have seen almost every series and movie. Though I haven't finished watching the classic TMNT series yet. Nor have I seen The Next Mutation series but that's mostly due to the fact that a lot of people have negative views about it. I also haven't had a chance to read many of the comics, but I really want to. I'm impatiently waiting for the new movie to come out in August, which is the same month as my birthday, so that's cool.
If you were to ask me who my favorite turtle is, or even who my favorite character is in general, I wouldn't be able to answer you. I relate the most to Raphael, having grown up with my fair share of anger issues, but it's hard for me to choose a favorite. Just as I can't choose just one movie or series, I absolutely love them all. The Michael Bay movies are a bit meh but I still like watching them. I don't think I'll ever like a fandom as much as this one, that's for sure.